On days school is in session, the Program is open at 7 AM. Please do not leave your children at the school prior to 7 AM! Our staff uses every minute prior to 7 AM to prep for the day. Following school dismissal the Program is open until 6 PM.
Non-School Day Care and Summer Care is available from 7 AM until 6 PM.
The Viking Discovery Program operates at all three School District 145 elementary school buildings on days school is in session. Non-School Day Care and Summer Care is offered at Eagle Elementary School and Hamlow Elementary School only. Waverly Intermediate School students who need Non-School Day Care or Summer Care are welcome to attend at either of these sites!
Hamlow Elementary School
14541 Castlewood Street
Waverly, NE 68462 -
Waverly Intermediate School
14621 Heywood Street
Waverly, NE 68462
The Viking Discovery Program's Eagle Elementary Site HAS MOVED to a permanent home base! In July 2016, the Viking Discovery Program relocated to the "Teachers Lunch Room", immediately west of the school kitchen. This allows for connected site lines and easy access to our licensed spaces which include the commons area, playground and gym. The Foundation invested considerable time and money to remodel the space with fresh paint, fun decor and new high-grade carpet. We are very excited about this new space for many reasons! Please use the buzz-in system at the front doors (indicated on the map in yellow) to access the Viking Discovery Program.

Eagle Elementary School
600 South 1st Street
Eagle, NE 68347